
Sergatskiy Konstantin Igorevich1ORCID,Korobov Artem Vladimirovich2,Nikol'skiy Valeriy Isaakovich2,Romanova Valeriya Sergeevna2,Titova Ekaterina Valer'evna1,Ivachev Aleksandr Semenovich2ORCID


1. Penza State University; Penza Regional Clinical Hospital named after N.N. Burdenko

2. Penza State University


Midline hernia is a pathological condition that is characterized by a protrusion of some internal organs through the holes in the aponeurotic plate of the abdominal raphe. The presented analytical study provides information on the likely risk factors for hernia formation, the assessment of which remains relevant today. Besides, the authors examine diagnosis and classification of midline hernias and describe the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed surgical methods of hernia treatment. Despite a large number of proposed surgical methods for midline hernia correction and treatment, all of them have certain disadvantages, mainly associated with a high incidence of reherniation and postoperative complications. The choice between the proposed methods of hernia orifice closure and intraoperative midline strengthening to prevent reherniation is important for any surgeon. The information search for the literature review was performed on the platforms elibrary.ru and pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.


Ulyanovsk State University

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