Sexual dimorphism in the physical development of boys and girls of the northern region with an established dysplastic phenotype


Ilyushenko N.A.1,Gainutdinova Yu.O.1,Eskindyrova Z.B.1,Ragozina O.V.1,Shevnin I.A.1,Jafarova B.Z.1


1. Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy


The article analyzes the data of an anthropometric and somatotypological study of 164 boys and 93 girls of the northern region, different sexual somatotypes with different severity of signs-phenes of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia. It was found that 44% of boys and 22% of girls with d, according to sexual somatic differentiation, correspond to the biological sex, 34% of boys and 53% of girls have mild gender dysplasia in the form of mesomorphy, and 19% of boys and 21% of girls have signs of sex inversion. Undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia affects the severity of morphotypological differences between sexual somatotypes and the appearance of signs of gracialization within them. Key words: northern region, adolescence, sexual dimorphism, undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia.


Publishing center of Ulyanovsk State University

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