Modern approaches to correction of dental and speech disorders in children with motor disorders


Danilova M. A.1ORCID,Zalazaeva E. A.1ORCID


1. Academician E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University


Relevance. An important modern medical and social problem is child disability, as it is one of the most important characteristics of public health and social well-being of the country, and also serves as an indicator of the health of the child population and the quality of medical care for children and their mothers. The specificity of children's disability is that the limitations of life arise in the period of active formation of higher mental functions, assimilation of knowledge and skills, in the period of formation of personality. Purpose. To improve the quality of comprehensive rehabilitation of children with motor disorders, having dental and speech disorders, based on the introduction of improved standards of medical and social rehabilitation and habilitation services. Materials and methods. The cohort of patients included in the study was represented by 120 disabled children with motor disorders in the form of spastic forms of cerebral paralysis, having dental anomalies and speech defects, the average age was 8.7 years ± 1.2 years. In the course of an open controlled prospective clinical study, neurological and dental status, psycho-speech development in the dynamics before and after treatment and rehabilitation measures were evaluated. Results. Data on the frequency and structure of dental anomalies and speech disorders in children with different clinical variants of spastic forms of cerebral paralysis were obtained. Conclusions. It is shown that contemporary approaches to correction of dental and speech disorders in children with motor disorders give a positive result and should be carried out continuously from an early age until the maximum possible correction of lost functions is achieved. 


Periodontal Association - RPA


Earth-Surface Processes

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