Retention period in pediatric patients with vertical dislocation of the dentition


Vodolatsky V. M.1ORCID,Makatov R. S.1ORCID


1. Stavropol State Medical University


Relevance. An open bite in children and adolescents makes up about 2-3% of all dentoalveolar disorders and is one of the most difficult pathological bites to treat. Aesthetic changes in children with vertical dislocation of the dentition are complicated by impaired functions of chewing, breathing and speech formation. The treatment of this pathology is complicated by an extensive list of etiological factors affecting the development of this pathology of the dentition. In most cases, after a successful hardware correction of an open bite, the pathology appears again after the completion of the active phase of orthodontic treatment.Purpose. To analyze the retention period in children and adolescents with vertical disocclusion of the dentition. Materials and methods. In order to analyze the retention period in children and adolescents with vertical disocclusion of the dentition, 17 children aged 5 to 15 years were taken for orthodontic treatment. Six of them showed vertical disocclusion (mild, 1 degree) of the dentition. 7 children and adolescents had vertical disocclusion of moderate severity. 4 patients aged 13-15 years had an open bite of a severe form. All patients underwent orthodontic treatment using removable and non-removable orthodontic appliances.Results. During the retention period in all patients of different groups specially made for this purpose were used demountable and non- removable devices , such as the Hawley device, medical devices in the inactivated state, non- removable wire retainers, single- jawed retention Kappa, retainers of their own design. ign. Examination of patients 6 and 12 months after the beginning of the retention period showed stability of the achieved therapeutic result in patients aged 5-12 years , and in patients of the older age group, the retention period was extended to 18-24 months due to the need to adapt bone structures.Conclusions. The analysis of the retention period of pediatric patients with vertical disocclusion of the dentition revealed a number of significant temporal differences. The average retention period in patients with open bite from the age of 5-12 years was 8-12 months. Its duration in patients aged 13-15 years was 15-24 months. 


Periodontal Association - RPA


Earth-Surface Processes

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