1. Russian University of Medicine
2. LLC "Ventail Group"
3. Kirov State Medical university
Relevance. In Russia, caries prevalence rate in permanent teeth of 12- year-olds is 75, 6%, and in 15-year-olds, it is 87, 5%. Alongside with high prevalence of caries in permanent children’s teeth, the problem of secondary caries is very significant as well. Toothpastes containing fluoride use for caries prevention. Now, there are known toothpastes containing hydroxyapatite enriched with complex (PGC) with amino acid threonine. It is advisable to study this paste effect on secondary caries occurrence.Materials and methods. Clinical and laboratory examinations and treatment of 92 children, aged 7 to 15, aged (97 teeth) were carried out during one year. They were given dental treatment, including that of dentine caries, in permanent teeth (K02.1). Fillings marginal integrity was assessed using G. Ryge (1998) criterion and electrometry method. Carious process intensity in study groups was determined using indices DMFS and ICDAS-II (code I, code II).Results. In group using toothpaste containing hydroxyapatite enriched with complex (PGC) with amino acid threonine, frequency of unsatisfactory restorations was detected only in 6% of cases; in group using fluoride containing pastes – 12%. Electrical conductivity of hard tissues in these groups increased only by 9,6 % and 36% respectively. Frequency of restorations with secondary caries signs at the end of the study was 27% in group with no preventive measures, and according to electrometric method, electrical conductivity at the border of fillings with hard dental tissues increased by 130%. Reduction of caries growth in group using toothpaste containing hydroxyapatite was 78,6%, in group with fluoride containing toothpaste – 64,3%.Conclusion. Application of a toothpaste containing hydroxyapatite enriched with Polyol Germanium Complex with amino acid threonine increases efficiency of secondary caries prevention in children's permanent teeth.
Periodontal Association - RPA
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