The Use of Psychological Correction Programs to Improve the Occupational Fitness of Correctional Personnel


Minina Irina. N.1ORCID,Gribanova Diana Ya.1ORCID


1. Pskov State University


Introduction: the article examines the results of the application of a short-term psychological correction program, which includes conflict prevention and the development of adaptive behavior skills in difficult communication situations. Aim: based on the results of the study, to identify conditions for the effective use of psychological programs to overcome stress among prison staff. Methods: the tasks set in the work were solved with the help of general scientific research methods within the framework of comparative, statistical and logical analysis and empirical methods such as description and interpretation of the information. The study involved 80 employees of the security department of correctional institutions of the Pskov Oblast, divided into experimental and control groups. The trainings were conducted by full-time psychologists of the departments. To assess the effectiveness, we used the following methods: “Willpower self-assessment scale” by N.N. Obozov, the technique for determining the level of neuropsychic stability “Forecast”, and the questionnaire of interpersonal relations in the adaptation of W. Shchutz. Results: the analysis of the data with the help of mathematical statistics methods has shown that the use of such programs is advisable among employees included in the group of increased attention. These may be persons conditionally recommended for this type of activity, as well as those who have been subjected to the deforming influence of an unfavorable professional environment. A statistically significant result for the experimental group of subjects consisted in a change in the indicators on the sincerity scale, which can mean an increase in self-esteem, trust in the psychologist and the desire to answer the questions honestly. The greatest effectiveness of the training was observed when we were implementing the tested program; this is explained by increased motivation and responsibility for its results. No practical effect of participation in the training was revealed among the personnel who initially had indicators that did not require correction. Conclusions: in order to increase the effectiveness of trainings, it is necessary that psychologists have personal conscious motivation when they work out unique programs that take into account actual needs of correctional staff.


Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

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