1. A. Kishida, M. Iwabuchi, T. Shintaku, and T. Sakata, “User-Oriented QoS Control Method Based on CSMA/CA for IEEE802.11 Wireless LAN System,” IEICE Trans. on Communications, Vol. E96-B, pp. 419–429, 2013.
2. M. Iwabuchi, A. Kishida, T. Shintaku, and T. Sakata, “A Study on Access Control Method for Concurrent Transmission with Capture Effect under Fading Environments,” IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 112, No. 132, pp. 13–18, 2012 (in Japanese).
3. T. Shintaku, A. Kishida, M. Iwabuchi, and T. Sakata, “Clustering Method for Wireless Terminals According to Difference of Standard for IEEE802.11 Wireless LAN,” IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 112, No. 443, pp. 225–229, 2013 (in Japanese).
4. K. Ishihara, T. Murakami, Y. Asai, T. Ichikawa, and M. Mizoguchi, “Multiuser MIMO and Inter-cell Interference Management Techniques for Next Generation Wireless LANs,” IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 112, No. 286, pp. 49–54, 2012 (in Japanese).
5. S. Shinohara, Y. Inoue, B. A. Hirantha Sithira Abeysekera, and M. Mizoguchi, “Capacity Enhancement with Multi-User Multi-Channel Transmission Technique for WLANs,” IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 113, No. 130, pp. 215–220, 2013.