1. August by Cake. GBVDB—Guided by Voices Database https://www.gbvdb.com/album.asp?albumid=3202. Accessed 31 Mar. 2023.
2. Azerrad, Michael. Our Band Could Be Your Life: Scenes from the American Indie Underground 1981-1991. Little, Brown, 2001.
3. Bannister, Matthew. White Boys, White Noise: Masculinities and 1980s Indie Guitar Rock. Ashgate, 2006.
4. Bennett, Andy. “‘Plug in and Play!’ UK ‘Indie-Guitar’ Culture.” Guitar Cultures, edited by Andy Bennett and Kevin Dawe, Berg, 2001, pp. 45–63.
5. Cutter, Matthew. Closer You Are: The Story of Robert Pollard and Guided by Voices. Da Capo Press, 2018.