1. 1941.Overzicht van de Inlandsch en Malesich-Chineesch Pets, 3657Survey of the Native and Malay-Chinese Press.
2. 28 August 1941.Thus the Minangkabau radical nationalist, Muhammad Yamin, condemned the standpoint of the Minangkabau Council in the Volksraad, 28 August, 1152Volksraad Handelingen.
3. Chan, Faye Yik-Wei. 1995. 'Feminist and Scholar: the Student Days of Dr Thung Sin Nio in The Netherlands'. Paper presented at Colloquium on the Chinese Diaspora in Europe. January20 211995, Paris. A prominent Chinese woman suffragist was Dr Thung Sin Nio. See
4. van der Wal, S.L., ed. 1965.De Volksraad en de Staatkundige Ontwikkeling van Nederlands-Indie: een bronnenpublikatie [The National Council and the Political Development of The Netherlands Indies: Documentary Sources],, 89–93. Groningen: J.B. Wolters. For an insight into the differing views of the Volksraad, Minister of Colonies and Governor-General, see correspondence between them published in