1. Abramovitz, Miriam. 1996. Under Attack, Fighting Back: Women ami Welfare in the United States. New York: Cornerstone Books, Monthly Review Press.
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3. Bacon, Jean and Laura Henze Russell with Diana Pearce. 2000. The Self-Sufficiency Standard: Where Massachusetts Families Stand. Boston, MA: Women's Educational and Industrial Union.
4. Blank, Rebecca and David Card. 2000. "Introduction: The Labor Market and Welfare Reform," in Rebecca Blank and David Card (eds.) Finding jobs: Work and Welfare Reform, pp. 1-19. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
5. Cohen, Philip N. and Suzanne M. Bianchi. 1999. "Marriage, children and women's employment: What do we know?" Monthly Labor Review 122(12): 22-31.