1. Texas Air Quality Study, 2000, http://www.utexas.edu/research/ceer/texaqs/
2. Cadle, S.H.; Croes, B.E.; Minassian, F.; Natarajan, M.; Tierney, E.J.; Lawson, D.R. Real-World Vehicle Emissions: A Summary of the Thirteenth Coordinating Research Council On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop; J. Air & Waste Mgmt. Assoc. 2000, 54, 8–23.
3. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42, 5th ed.); U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Research Triangle Park, NC, 1995. http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/
4. NARSTO. Assessment of Tropospheric Ozone Pollution; NARSTO Coordination Office: Kennewick, WA, 2000. Also EPRI Report #1000040, Palo Alto, CA.
5. NARSTO. Particulate Matter Science for Policy Makers; NARSTO Coordination Office: Kennewick, WA, 2003; also EPRI Report #1007735, Palo Alto, CA.