Ambient Particles and Health: Lines that Divide


Watson John G.1,Wyzga Ronald E.2,Burnett Richard T.3,Vostal Jaroslav J.4,Romieu Isabelle5,Chow Judith C.6,Holcombe James T.7,Lipfert Frederick W.8,Marrack David9,Thompson Richard J.8,Vedal Sverre10


1. a Critical Review Sub-Committee Chairman and Research Professor Desert Research Institute

2. b Electric Power Research Institute

3. c Health Canada

4. d Environmental Health Assessment Consultants International

5. e Pan American Health Organization Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica

6. f Desert Research Institute

7. g Pacific Gas and Electric Corporation

8. h Environmental Consultant

9. i Fort Bend Medical Clinic

10. j University of British Columbia


Informa UK Limited


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Waste Management and Disposal

Reference51 articles.

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3. Delfino, R.J.; Murphy-Moulton, A.M.; Burnett, R.T.; Brook, J.R.; Becklake, M.R. “Effects of ozone and particulate air pollution on emergency room visits for respiratory illnesses in Montreal,”Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care Med., in press.

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5. Brown, K.G.; Paxton, M.B. “Predictability of personal exposure to airborne particulate matter from ambient concentrations in four communities,” inProceedings of the International Symposium on Health Effects of Particulate Matter in Ambient Air, Prague, Air & Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA, 1997.

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