1. Gellerman, B. What's New in Handling Infectious Materials: The Sudden Rise of the Red-Bag Business.The New York Times,March 27, 1988, p 15.
2. Baker, J. Blood in the Water: A Tide of Hospital Waste.”Newsweek,July 18, 1988, p 35.
3. Bussey, J.; Sheet, K.; Gest, T.; Taylor, R.; Sandford, G. Garbage Out, Garbage In.US News World Rep.July 18, 1988, p 9.
4. Morganthau, T.; Hager, M.; Brown, L.; Kenny, T.; Drew, L. Don't Go Near the Water.Newsweek,August 1, 1988, pp 43–47.
5. EPA Guide for Infectious Waste Management;U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 1986; EPA/ 536-W–86–014.