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3. Browning, B.J., Casey, A.D., Hindocha, A.K., C.J., Bustard, and Grubb, W.T. “Operation and Performance of COHPAC at TU Electric's Big Brown Station,” Presented at the EPRI/DOE/EPA Combined Utility Air Pollutant Control Symposium, Washington D.C., August 1997.
4. Cavallaro, J.A., Deurbrouch, A.W., Schultz, H., Gibbon, G.A., and Hattman, E.A. “A Washability and Analytical Evaluation of Potential Pollution from Trace Elements in Coal,” Study conducted under EPA Interagency Agreement No. DXE685-AJ, Report - EPA-600/7-78-038, March 1978.
5. Durham, M.D., Bustard, J.C., Baldrey, K.E., and Martin, C.E. “Cost-Effective Technology for Enhanced ESP Performance on Low-Sulfur Coal,” Presented at the EPRI/DOE/EPA Combined Utility Air Pollution Control Symposium, Washington, DC, December, 1997.