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3. Winiwarter, W.; Houtrouw, S.; Lewis, L.J.; Lewis, E.A.; Hansen, L.D.; Eatough, D.J.; Malm, W.C. Tracers of Coal-Fired Power Plants in the Lake Powell Region; In Transactions, Visibility and Fine Particles; Mathai, C.V., Ed.; A&WMA: Pittsburgh, PA, 1989; 885–897.
4. Du, A.Y.; Eatough, D.J.; Mangelson, N.F.; Farber, R.J.; Watson, J.G. The Deposition of SO2 (g) and Particulate Sulfate in the Desert Southwest. In Proceedings, Air & Waste Management Association Annual Meeting 1996; 96.MPIA.04, 1–14.
5. Ames, R. Colorado State University, Project MOHAVE report, 1997.