1. H. Garfinkel, ‘When is Phenomenology Sociological?’.Annals of Phenomenological Sociology, 1977, pp. 1–40.
2. E.g. A. Giddens,New Rules of Sociological Method. London, Hutchison, 1976. Compare, however, D. O'Keefe, ‘Ethnomethodology’Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 1979, vol. 9 no. 2 pp. 187–219 and D. Benson and J. A. Hughes,The Perspective of Ethnomethodology. London, Longman, 1983.
3. R. Grathoff(ed.),The Theory of Social Action. Bloomington. Indiana University Press, 1978. Garfinkel considers the question of choices in hisStudies in Ethnomethodology, New Jersey. Prentice Hall 1967, chapters 1 and 2 and in a paper entitled ‘A Consideration of decisions made on four pre-theoretical problems by Talcott Parsons and Alfred Schutz’, which is unfortunately unpublished.
4. E.g. E. Husserl,The Paris Lectures. The Hague. Martinus Nijhoff 1979. See also A. Schutz, ‘Husserl's Influence on Me’,Annals of Phenomenological Sociology, vol. III 1977, pp. 41–44.
5. H. Garfinkel and H. Sacks ‘On the formal structures of practical action’, in E. Tiryaktan and J. McKinney (eds.).Theoretical Sociology. New York. Appleton-Century-Crofts. 1970. pp. 337–366.