Government regulations have improved automotive safety


Viano David C.12


1. Traffic Injury Prevention

2. ProBiomechanics LLC, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan


Informa UK Limited


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Safety Research

Reference19 articles.

1. Dole E. Secretary Dole and the Future of Automotive Airbags. 1985 Oct. The Brookings Review Summer reprinted with permission in Passenger Car Inflatable Restraint Systems: A Compendium of Published Safety Research. Viano DC Editor. Warrendale (PA): SAE Progress in Technology PT-31 p. 9–11.

2. Federal Register. 1966 Dec 3. Initial federal motor vehicle safety standards proposed rule-making. Office of the Secretary 23CFR Part 245 docket No. 3 Notice No. 1 Federal Register vol. 31 no. 234 p. 15212–15221.

3. The Cost-effectiveness of Air Bags by Seating Position

4. Horsch JD Viano DC DeCou J. 1991. History of safety research and development on the general motors energy-absorbing steering system. SAE 912890. Warrendale (PA): Society of Automotive Engineers.

5. Kahane CJ. Jan 2015. Lives saved by vehicle safety technologies and associated Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 1960 to 2012 – passenger cars and LTVs – with reviews of 26 FMVSS and the effectiveness of their associated safety technologies in reducing fatalities injuries and crashes. DOT HS 812 069. Washington (DC): National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.







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