1. Hamilton, J. F. and Urbach, F., in “The Theory of the Photographic Process,” 3rd ed. (ed. by C. E. K. Mees and T. H. James). Macmillan Co., New York, Chap.5 (1966)
2. Ref. 1, p.116
3. Lowe, W. G., Jones, J. E., and Roberts, H. E., in “Fundamental Mechanisms of Photographic Sensitivity,” (ed. by J. W. Mitchell). Butterworths Scientific Publications, London, p.112(1951)
4. Frieser, H., Hasse, G., and Klein, E., in “Die Grundlagen der Photographischen Prozesse mit Silver Halogeniden.” Akademisch Verlag, Frankfurt (1968), pp.675–734.
5. Ref. t, pp.1 06-109