1. Hewitt, G. F. “Photographic and entrainment studies in two-phase flow systems”. A.E.R.E.—R 4683 (1964).
2. Derbyshire, R. T. P., Hewitt, G. F. and Nicholls, B. “X-radiography of two-phase gas-liquid flow”. A.E.R.E. M 1321 (1964)
3. Chaudhry, A. B., Emerton, A. C. and Jackson, R. “Flow regimes in the co-current upwards flow of water and air”. Symposium on Two-Phase Flow, Exeter, June 1965, Proceedings, Vol. 1, pp. B201-B208.
4. Hewitt, G. F. and Lovegrove, P. C. “Comparative film thickness and hold-up measurements in vertical annular flow". A.E.R.E.— M 1203 (1963).
5. Hewitt, Ci. F., Lovegrove, P. C. and Nicholls, B. “Film thickness measurements using a fluorescence technique. Part I. Description of the method”. A.E.R.E.—R 4478 (1964).