1. Bayoumi, A. M., Strike, C., Jairam, J., Watson, T., Enns, E., Kolla, G., Lee, A., Shepherd, S., Hopkins, S., Millson, M., Leonard, L., Zaric, G., Luce, J., Degani, N., Fischer, B., Glazier, R., O'Campo, P., Smith, C., Peen, R., Brandeau, M. (2012). Report of the Toronto and Ottawa supervised consumption assessment study. https://www.toscastudy.ca/TOSCA_Report_files/TOSCA%20report-web-pdf
2. Opportunities to learn and barriers to change: Crack cocaine use in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver
3. Crack pipe sharing among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting
4. Smoking of crack cocaine as a risk factor for HIV infection among people who use injection drugs
5. Dormer, D. (2011). Province shuts down free crack pipe program. Calgary Sun.