1. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Comparative Indicators of Performance Amongst the Post-Soviet States (London, 1994).
2. For summaries of the programs of the respective Popular Fronts, see Narodnyi Kongress: Sbornik Materialov Kongressa Narodnogo Fronta Estonii (Tallinn, 1988); Narodnyi Front Latvii, Programma (Riga, 1988).
3. Melvin N. , “Forging the New Russian Nation. Russian Foreign Policy and the Russian-Speaking Communities of the Former USSR,” Discussion Paper 50, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1994, 63 pp.
4. Nezavizamaya gazeta, 31 March 1993.
5. Smith G. , op. cit., 1994, pp. 86–120.