1. M.Y. Ayad, S. Rael and B. Davat: Hybrid Power Source Using Supercapacitors and Batteries, EPE2003, in Toulouse, France.
2. Yonghua Cheng, Joeri Van Mierlo, Peter Van den Bossche and Philippe Lataire: Super Capacitor based Energy Storage as Peak Power Unit in the Applications of Hybrid Electric Vehicles, PEMD 2006, in Ireland.
3. Phatiphat Thounthong, Stéphane Rael and Bernard Davat: Supercapacitors as Energy Storage for Fuel Cell Automotive Hybrid Electrical System, ESSCAP 2004, in France.
4. Alfred Rufer: Power-Electronic Interface for a Supercapacitor-Based Energy-Storage Substation in DC-Transportation Networks, EPE2003, in Toulouse, France.
5. B. Destraz, P. Barrade and A. Rufer: A Solution for Increasing the Efficiency of Diesel-Electric Locomotives with Supercapacitive Energy Storage, ESSCAP 2004, in France.