1. Studs Terkel,The Good War: An Oral History of World War II(New York: Pantheon Books, 1984), pp. 363–364.
2. James Agee, “Films,”The Nation31 January 1948, p. 136.
3. Colonel K. B. Lawton, “Memorandum to Officer in Charge, Signal Corps Photographic Center, Western Branch,” 19 December 1942, in Production Case File forReport From the Aleutians, Film AF-114, National Archives and Records Service, Washington, D.C.
4. John Huston: A War Remembered(KCET-TV, Los Angeles: Raystar Television, 1981). During this program, which was syndicated on PBS, John Huston was interviewed by Clete Roberts about his documentary trilogy. These films were then shown in their entirety.
5. John Huston: A War Remembered.