1. Krogman, W. M.: The human skeleton in forensic medicine. In Livinson, S. A. (Ed.): Medicolegal Problems, Series 2. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1949, pp. 1–92.
2. Stewart, T. D.: Evaluation of evidence from the skeleton. In Gradworl, R. B. H.: Legal Medicine. St. Louis, C. V. Mosby, 1954, pp. 407–450.
3. Cobb, W. M.: Skeleton. In Lansing, A. I. (Ed.): Problems of Ageing. Ed. 3. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1952, pp. 791. 856.
4. The appearance of centers of ossification from birth to 5 years
5. The appearance of centers of ossification from 6 to 15 years