1. Abulafia, Y. 2016. The Art of Light on Stage. Oxon: Routledge.
2. Theatre, Performance and Technology
3. Crisafulli, F. 2013. Active Light: Issues of Light in Contemporary Theatre. Dublin: Artdigiland.
4. Edensor, T. 2014. ‘The Rich Potentialities of Light Festivals: Defamiliarisation, a Sense of Place and Convivial Atmospheres’. In The Bright Side of Night: Perceptions, Costs and the Governance of Urban Lighting and Light Pollution, edited by U. Hassenhorl, K. Krause, J. Meier and M. Pottharst, 85–98. London: Routledge.
5. Edensor, T. 2017. From Light to Dark; Daylight, Illumination, and Gloom. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.