1. Collins, D. O. 1983. “Ferrosilicon heavy medium recovery circuits—recent developments and trends”. 1st Samancor Ferrosilicon Symposium Johannesburg, RSA. 1983.
2. Groves, J. 1985. “Use of ferrosilicon and magnetite blends for heavy medium separations at Mt. Newman”. 2nd Samancor Ferrosilicon Symposium. 1985, Perth, Austrailia.
3. Munro, P. D. and Jefferson, C. B. 1985. “Experiences with the medium system at Mt. Isa Mines Ltd.”. 2nd Samancor Ferrosilicon Symposium. 1985, Perth, Australia.
4. Mulder, M. S. 1985. “Practical methods developed by Iscor to curtail ferrosilicon losses, with special reference to the methods applied at the Sishen iron ore mine”. 2nd Samancor Ferrosilicon Symposium. 1985, Perth, Australia.
5. De Villiers, J. J. 1983. “Measures applied at the Iscor iron beneficiation plants to curtail losses of ferrosilicon”. 1st Samancor Ferrosilicon Symposium. 1983, Johannesburg, RSA.