Gaps, Gluts, and Paradox


Irvine A. D.


Consider the following sentence schema:This sentence entails that ϕ.Call a sentence which is obtained from this schema by the substitution of an arbitrary, contingent sentence, s, for ϕ, the sentence CS (for ‘Curry’s Sentence’). Thus,(CS) This sentence entails that s.Now ask the following question: Is CS true?One sentence classically entails a second if and only if it is impossible for both the first to be true and the second to be false. Thus ‘Xanthippe is a mother’ entails ‘Xanthippe is female’ if and only if it is impossible for both ‘Xanthippe is a mother’ to be true and ‘Xanthippe is female’ to be false. CS makes a claim about a purported entailment. Thus, CS is true if and only if it is impossible for both the sentence it mentions as entailing a second to be true and the sentence it mentions as being entailed by the first to be false. In other words, CS is true if and only if it is impossible for both CS to be true and s to be false. In yet other words, CS is false if and only if it is possible for both CS to be true and s to be false.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

Reference47 articles.

1. Epimenides the Cretan

2. Review of A. Koyné’s The Liar;Church;Journal of Symbolic Logic,1946

3. Epimenides and curry







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