1. 1981.Philosophical Explanations462Cambridge, MA: Belknap Harvard. The phrase comes from Robert Nozick, It is perhaps this kind of view about which Narveson writes:…some people talk as though rights are “peculiar facts.” But the facts in question aren't, or anyway needn't be, peculiar. We do need a theory about the relation between those facts and those duties [which correspond to the rights], a theory explaining why those facts constitute or give rise to a good reason for those assignments of duties—and in too many cases the proposed theory is indeed, “peculiar.” (46)
2. French language rights, and the recognition of Quebec as a ‘distinct society’ within Canada, can be taken as examples of collective rights which might have arisen from contractarian bargaining.
3. Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person
4. I would also suggest that ‘liberty’ is closely allied to the concept of rights; i.e. ‘liberty’ tends to denote one'srightfulsphere of non-interference. The de facto/de jure distinction will be relevant later.