1. “OECD/NEA FIDES ” Nuclear Energy Agency; https://oecd-nea.org/jcms/pl_15313/framework-for-irradiation-experiments-fides.
2. M. BALES, “The Framework for IrraDiation ExperimentS (FIDES),” presented at the TopFuel Conf., Raleigh, North Carolina (2022).
3. B. BOER and M. VERWERFT, “Qualification of the New Pressurized Water Capsule (PWC) for Fuel Testing at BR2,” presented at the RRFM Conf., Helsinki, Finland (2021).
4. V. D’AMBROSI et al., “P2M Simulation Exercise on Past Fuel Melting Irradiation Experiments: Main Outcomes on Fuel Melting Assessment in PWR Fuel,” presented at the TopFuel Conf., Raleigh, North Carolina (2022).
5. A Model for the Release of Radioactive Krypton, Xenon, and Iodine from Defective UO2Fuel Elements