1. D. W. NIGG and K. A. STEUHM, “Advanced Test Reactor Core Modeling Update Project Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2012,” INL/EXT-12-27059, Idaho National Laboratory (Sep. 2012); https://inldigitallibrary.inl.gov/sites/sti/sti/5581213.pdf (current as of Sep. 17, 2021).
2. D. W. NIGG and K. STEUHM, “Advanced Test Reactor Core Modeling Update Project Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2011,” INL/EXT-11-23348, Idaho National Laboratory (Sep. 2011); https://inldigitallibrary.inl.gov/sites/sti/sti/5223035.pdf (current as of Sep. 17, 2021).
3. Advanced Test Reactor: A National Scientific User Facility
4. Modification of the University of Washington Neutron Radiotherapy Facility for optimization of neutron capture enhanced fast‐neutron therapy
5. “Determining Thermal Neutron Reaction Rates and Thermal Neutron Fluence Rates by Radioactivation Techniques,” ASTM-E262-17, American Society for Testing and Materials (2017).