1. R. FAIRHURST-AGOSTA and T. KOZLOWSKI, “Decay Heat Calculations Using MCNP and ORIGEN,” presented at American Nuclear Society Student Conf., Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (2022).
2. R. FAIRHURST-AGOSTA and T. KOZLOWSKI, “Machine Learning Classification for Safety Analysis of Nuclear Research Reactor Experiments,” presented at American Nuclear Society Student Conf. 2022, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (2022).
3. J. L. PETERSON-DROOGH and R. H. HOWARD, “Current Neutronic Calculation Techniques for Modeling the Production of Ir-192 in HFIR,” Proc. Int. Conf. Physics of Reactors 2018 (PHYSOR 2018), Cancun, Mexico (2018).
4. Thermal-hydraulic modeling of flow inversion in a research reactor