1. Memoirs of the Baroness D'Oberkirch…, London, 1852; I, pp. 178 f, 163, and 166.
2. Baron de Gleichen,Souvenirs, Paris, 1868, p. 135.
3. Quoted in the published defence in the Diamond Necklace Trial:Mémoire pour le Comte de Cagliostro…, Paris, 1876, p. 22.
4. Cf. Petraccone,Cagliostro nella storia e nella legenda, Milan, 1922, pp. 113 f and W. R. H. Trowbridge,Cagliostro, London, 1910, p. 255. The last portion of the prophecy is to be found in a variant edition dated 1787 and at one time was thought to be spurious.
5. I quote in the German translation fromDer Erzzauberer Cagliostro, ed. Guenther, Munich, 1919; pp. 503 ff.