1. Kendall E. Bailes, Science and Russian Culture in an Age of Revolutions: V. I. Vernadsky and his Scientific School, 1863–1945 (Indiana University Press, 1990)
2. R. K. Balandin, Vladimir Vernadsky, trans. by Alexander Repyev (Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1982)
3. Simon Ings Stalin and the Scientists: A History of Triumph and Tragedy 1905–1953 (Atlantic Monthly Press 2016)
4. Moshe Levin The Soviet Century (Verso 2016)
5. Jason A. Ross and Meghan Rouillard (eds), 150 Years of Vernadsky: Volume 1 — The Biosphere, Volume 2 — The Noösphere (Washington: 21st Century Science Associates, 2014)