1. Abu-Nada, E., Al-Sarkhi, A., Akash, B. and Nijmeh, S. Parametric analysis of a standing column well using a simplified one-dimensional model. 19th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation, and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. Greece.
2. Akash, B., Abu-Nada, E., Al-Sarkhi, A., Shishan, A., Ibrahim, A. and Nijmeh, S. Three-dimensional simulation of a standing column well for potential applications in Jordan. Global Conference on Renewable Energy Approaches in Desert Regions. British Geological Survey/Jordanian Natural Resources Authority Internal Joint Report. Amman, Jordan
3. Characterization of Shale Oil as Compared to Crude Oil and Some Refined Petroleum Products
4. Energy analysis of Jordan's urban residential sector