1. BINZA, M S. Local economic development beyond blueprints: a bottom up approach. Paper presented at Africa Week Conference of the UNISA Black Forum. September1–3. Pretoria: UNISA.
2. CHAROENPORNPATTANA, S and MINATO, D. Privatisation-induced risk: state-owned transportation enterprise in Thailand. Proceedings of the CIB 92 and CIB TG 23: Profitable Partnering in Construction Procurement. Chiang Mai, Thailand. Edited by: Ogunlana, S O. London: E & FN Spon.
3. CULLEN, M TD. Keynote address by the Minister of State at the Department of Finance. Address made at the 2nd Annual Public Private Partnership/Private Finance Initiative Global Summit. October10–12. Dublin: Burlington Hotel.
4. The Process of Economic Development