1. AgentDiallo. 2021. LLOYD OSTERTAG=Rally Doge To St. Look rearrange the words yourself. In: r/dogecoin. Reddit Post. Accessed 27 August 2023. www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/n8mhw9/lloyd_ostertag_rally_doge_to_st_look_rearrange/.
2. Classical Attempt at Theoretical Synthesis (Theoretical Logic in Sociology)
3. Altcoin Daily [@AltcoinDailyio]. 2021. Elon Musk to host SNL on May 8th. In other words be ready for a $TSLA dip and a $DOGE pump. . In: Twitter. Tweet. Accessed 3 June 2023. https://twitter.com/AltcoinDailyio/status/1386528816852443138.
4. AndreiFromAlberta. 2021. FOMOED into DOGE just BOUGHT 270270.27027027 . In: r/SatoshiStreetBets. Reddit Post. Accessed 3 June 2023. www.reddit.com/r/SatoshiStreetBets/comments/l6rpn8/fomoed_into_doge_just_bought_27027027027027/.
5. The Ghost in the Financial Machine