1. Benedek, J. and Miner, T.Measuring desirability: New methods for evaluating desirability in a usability lab setting. Paper presented at the Usability Professionals Association Conference. July8–12, Orlando, FL, USA.
2. Interface-Walkthroughs: efficient collaborative testing
3. Biocca, F., Harms, C. and Gregg, J.The networked minds measure of social presence: Pilot test of the factor structure and concurrent validity. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual International Workshop on Presence. May21–23, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
4. Bouras, C., Fotakis, D., Kapoulas, V., Koubek, A., Mayher, H. and Rehatscheck, H. Virtual european school-VES.Proceedings of the IEEE Multimedia Systems '99: Special Session on European Projects. pp.1055–1057. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Press.