1. Albawaba. (2019 December 5). Video: Palestinian men attack transgender woman as police stand by and watch. https://www.albawaba.com/editors-choice/video-palestinian-men-attack-transgender-woman-police-stand-and-watch-1325345
2. Al-Haq Organization. (2019 August 21). PHROC calls on the Palestinian authority to provide protection to Palestinians without discrimination [Images attached]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/alhaqorganization/posts/3478329058851229?__tn__=-R
3. Decolonial Queering: The Politics of Being Queer in Palestine
4. Al-Qaws. (2019 August 18). AlQaws response to the PA police statement. http://alqaws.org/articles/AlQaws-response-to-the-PA-police-statment?category_id=0
5. AlQaws for Sexual & Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society. (2014). About Us. http://alqaws.org/about-us