1. Barriers to Access and University Schools of Music: A Collective Case Study of Urban High School Students of Color and Their Teachers
2. Arts Connect Houston. (n.d). The problem . https://www.artsconnecthouston.org/_files/ugd/e8f3b1_d75a6b343b244b4084447c6854922de0.pdf
3. Baker, D. B., Gramata, C. A., Peterson, K. M., Ford, K., Jones, J., Chighizola, B., & Mehlberg, S. (2015). The creative advantage: Central arts pathway evaluation report year 2. The BERC Group.
4. Baker, D. B., & Mehlberg, S. (2016). The creative advantage: Year 3 evaluation report. The BERC Group.
5. Baker D. B. Mehlberg S. Chighizola B. & Patel R. (2019). The creative advantage year 5 evaluation report. The BERC Group. https://www.creativeadvantageseattle.org/go-deeper/