1. African Development Bank (2003)Poverty and Climate Change: Reducing the Vulnerability of the Poor Through Adaptation, African Development Bank.
2. Gregory S Alexander and Eduardo M Peñalver (eds) (2010)Property and Community, Oxford University Press.
3. Paul Babie (2010) ‘Climate Change and the Concept of Private Property’, in Rosemary Lyster (ed),In the Wilds of Climate Law, Australian Academic Press.
4. Paul Babie (2011a) ‘How We Control the Environment and Others, or, the “Idea” of Private Property in Climate Change and What Religion Can Offer’, in Peter Burdon (ed),Wild Law: An Earth Jurisprudence Reader, Wakefield Press.
5. Paul Babie (2011b) ‘Private Property, Climate Change and Christianity: A Narrative of Sacrifice’, in Nadirsyah Hosen and Richard Mohr (eds),Law and Religion in Public Life: The Contemporary Debate, Routledge.