1. “Kri’at ha-yishuv ha-eretz-Yisraeli be-ozney ha-yahaut ha-rushit ha-lokhemet ve-ha-shotetet dam” [The Cry of the Yishuv in the Ears of the Fighting and Bleeding Russian Jewry].” 1941. Ha-Boker, September 28. 1.
2. “Yahadut rusia mitvada’at el akheyha [Russian Jewry Get Acquainted to Its Brethren].” 1941. Davar, August 26. 1. [Hebrew].
3. “‘Lo amut ki ekhye’ be-iton ha-itona’im [I Shall Not Die but Live in the Newspaper of the Journalists].” 1944. Al Ha-Mishmar, May 29. 4. [Hebrew].
4. “‘Lo amut ki ekhye’ nikhtav bishvil ha-bima [‘I Shall Not Die but Live’ Was Written for Habima].” 1944. Ha-Boker, 24 April. 1. [Hebrew].