1. Holland, John, “Student Explanation of College Choices,”College and University,( Fall, 1958), pp. 312–320.
2. Hollincshead, A. B.Two Factor Index of Social Position( mimeo), Yale Station, New Haven, Connecticut, 1965.
3. Kerr, W. D. “Student Perceptions of Counselor Role in the College Decision,”Personnel and Guidance Journal,Vol. 41 (December, 1962), pp. 337–42.
4. Roemmich, Herman, and John Schmidt, “Student Perceptions of Assistance Provided by Counselors in College Planning,”Personnel and Guidance Journal,Vol. 41 (October, 1962, pp. 157–158.
5. Sanford, Nevitt,The American College,New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 216–225.