1. Albu, Emily, ‘“Worldly Woe and Heavenly Joy”: The Tone of the Historia Ecclesiastica’. In Orderic Vitalis: Life, Works and Interpretations, edited by Charles C. Rozier, Daniel Roach, Giles E. M. Gasper, and Elisabeth van Houts, 217–46. Rochester: Boydell & Brewer, 2017.
2. Alden, Raymond MacDonald, ed. Poems of the English Race. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1921.
3. Amell, Barbara. The Art of God: Lectures on the Great Poets by George MacDonald. Portland, OR: Wingfold Books, 2004.
4. Anderson, Poul. The Broken Sword. New York: Ballantine Books, 1971.
5. Anderson, Poul. Three Hearts and Three Lions. London: Sphere Books, 1974. First published 1953.