1. “Putting old wine in new wine skins” : the place of African indigenous churches in the Nigerian Pentecostals
2. Arthur Sheryl Joanne. “A Pneumatological Study on an Elim Pentecostal Congregation’s Lived Experience of Spirit Baptism with ‘Signs Following.’” PhD diss. University of Roehampton 2022.
3. Baker, Paul S. Pentecostal Imagination and the Retrieval of Identity: Towards a Pneumatology of History. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2023.
4. Regenerated without being recreated? A soteriological analysis of the African neo-Pentecostal teaching on generational curses
5. Bickle, Mike. Growing in the Prophetic: A Balanced, Biblical Guide to Using and Nurturing Dreams, Revelations and Spiritual Gifts as God Intended. Lake May, FL: Charisma Media, 2008.