1. Ferroelastic Phase Transition in TlH2PO4
2. Elastic Instability in the Ferroelastic Phase Transition of TlH2PO4Studied by Brillouin Scattering
3. Study of the Ferroelastic Phase Transition of TlH2PO4Acoustic Phonon Softening
4. Huong, P. V., Couzi, M., Vignalou, J. R. and Tranquard, A. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Light Scattering in Solids Campinas. Brazil. Edited by: Balkanski, M., Leite, R. C. C. and Porto, S. P. S. pp.845New York: Wiley.
5. Vignalou, J. R., Tranquard, A., Couzi, M. and Huong, P. V. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ruman Spectroscopy. Freiburg. Edited by: Schmid, E. D., Brandmüller, J., Kiefer, W., Schrader, B. and Schrötter, H. W. pp.594Hans Ferdinand Schulz Verlag, Freiburg Im Breisgau.