1. R.B. Dooley and H.J. Westwood, Analysis and prevention of boiler tube failures, Ont. Hydro, Report 83/237G-31, Canadian Electrical Association, Montreal, Que., November, 1983.
2. G.A. Lamping and R.M. Arrowood, Manual for investigation and correction of boiler tube failures, Final Report CS-3945, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, April, 1985.
3. S.R. Paterson, T.A. Kuntz, R.S. Moser, and H. Vaillancourt, Boiler tube failure metallurgical guide, volume I: Technical report; volume II, appendices, Final Report TR-102433, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, October, 1993.
4. S. Paterson, R. Moser, and T. Kuntz, Remaining life assessment of austenitic stainless steel superheater and reheater tubes, Final Report 1004517, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, December, 2002.