1. Adelman, C. (2017, December). Bringing microcredential providers in from the cold. InsideHigherEd. https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2017/12/11/lifting-fog-data-desert-surrounding-microcredentials-universe-opinion
2. Methodological Guidance Paper: The Art and Science of Quality Systematic Reviews
3. Learning by Doing? Reflections on Conducting a Systematic Review in the Field of Educational Technology
4. Brown, M., Arnold, D., Read, T., Olcott, D., McGreal, R. & Makoe, M. (2021a). Madrid micro-credential statement - Asking critical questions: Leveraging micro-credentials to bridge divergent paths. Outcome of EDEN Conference. https://www.dcu.ie/sites/default/files/inline-files/madrid-micro-credential-statement-2021.pdf
5. The Global Micro-credential Landscape: Charting a New Credential Ecology for Lifelong Learning