1. Reynolds , O.On the Extent and Action of the Heating Surface for Steam Boilers, Scientific Papers,vol. I , p. 81 , Cambridge University Press , Cambridge , 1900 .
2. Young , E. H. , Withers , J. G. , and Lampert , W. B. , Heat Transfer Characteristics of Corrugated Tubes in Steam Condensing Applications , 15 th National Heat Transfer Conf . San Francisco , AIChE Paper 3 , 1975 .
3. Webb , R. L. , Turbulent Heat Transfer in Tubes Having Two-dimensional Roughness, Including the Effect of Prandtl Number , Ph.D. thesis , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota , Minneapolis , Minn . |otSeptember, 1969. See also Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 14, pp. 601–617, 1971, and vol. 15, pp. 1647 – 1658 , 1972 .