1. Adams, Jad.Gandhi: Naked Ambition. London: Quercus, 2010.
2. Bagot, Dosia.Shadows of the War. London: Edward Arnold, 1900.
3. Balme, Jennifer Hobhouse.To Love One's Enemies: The Work and Life of Emily Hobhouse Compiled from Letters and Writings, Newspaper Cuttings and Official Documents. Cobble Hill, BC: Hobhouse Trust, 1994.
4. Bean, S. S. ‘Gandhi and Khadi, the Fabric of Indian Independence’. InCloth and Human Experience, edited by A. B. Weiner and J. Schneider. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989.
5. British Red Cross Society.Report by the British National Society for Aid to the Sick and Wounded in War (The British Red Cross Society). London: The Society, 1902.