A new SPOT4-VEGETATION derived land cover map of Northern Eurasia


Bartalev S. A.1,Belward A. S.2,Erchov D. V.3,Isaev A. S.4


1. a Institute for Environment and Sustainability , EC Joint Research Centre , Ispra , 21020 , (VA) , Italy E-mail:

2. b Institute for Environment and Sustainability , EC Joint Research Centre , Ispra , 21020 , (VA) , Italy E-mail:

3. c Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of Russian Academy of Science , 84/32 Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow , 117810 , Russia E-mail:

4. d Center for Forest Ecology and Productivity of Russian Academy of Science , 84/32 Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow , 117810 , Russia E-mail:


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General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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